New Jobo Silverbase in comparison to the CPP and the CPE

The new Jobo Silverbase


Jobo is a well known German company who produce and distribute all kind of tools, chemicals and and processors for developing photographic films. In 2023 they celebrated their 100 anniversary together with their distributers. The company was founded by Johannes Bockemühl (1G), now the owner/ceo is Johannes Bockemühl-Simon (3G). This explains the name Jobo :).


Jobo CPP, CPE.

The CPP, CPE are both processors made for developing all kind and formats of photografic film. These processors have a acurate waterbased temperture control system. There are 3 generations of the CPP and CPE processors.

Jobo CPP3

Jobo CPE3

The CPP is the bigger professional processor, connected to the tap and can handle all sizes of and tanks and therefore films. The CPE is smaller and cheaper, developed for serious photographers who want to develop C41 (color) films.

The new Jobo Silverbase

The Jobo Silverbase is made for B&W film development, which proces is not so sensitive for temperature fluctuations compare to the C41 proces. The processor is much cheaper, smaller and simpler. Just connect it to the AC and go. The silverbase is like the CPP and the CPE a rotation processor which assure good even development with a minimum of chemicals. Especially saving developer is cost saving and last but not least good for the environment.

Unboxing the Jobo Silverbase

My first testrun


The Jobo SilverBase is a lovely small B&W filmprocessor. Developing a film at the kitchen table is a joy with this handy quick machine. Even development results without bromide errors will be achieved. Using the 2500 tank makes it possible to develop up to 6 4x5 plansheets in only 260ml developer!

Cost efficient and saving nature!

Workshop promo

If you buy a Jobo Labkit M in my shop, you will get a workshop how to develop a B&W film for free.

Jobo Labkit M

Frank Fliek