
Photo: Frank Fliek
Leica M2/summicron 50mm/Pancro400/LC29 1+19 8 min/CPP2/
As shot; No postprocessing


Introduction Bergger

Heiress of more than a hundred year old tradition of the Guillemot company, BERGGER is the last French firm that specialises in the making of photosensitive surfaces. Born in 1995 from the will of Guy Gérard, a chemical engineer Guilleminot and Daniel Boucher, an expert in economy, BERGGER has known how to resist the digital tidal wave and to stand out as a key brand on the silver halide photo market.

The BERGGER range of products is wide enough to cover all the needs of modern photographers. Films, papers and chemistry, all the products have been made with extreme quality and care. Indeed, the technology of the BERGGER PANCRO 400 is one of the most progressive on the photographic film market. Our range of PRESTIGE papers allows for enlargements of perfect quality. As for our range of chemistry, It permits to print the quintessence of our sensitive surfaces.

We have created Bergger éditions to promote beautiful projects. Our first photo book, Kolodozero by the Russian photographer Aleksey Myakishev is now available. You can order it in the Books & Prints section. Soon you will meet other photographers there, who strongly believe in the quality of silver halide photography, as we do !
