
Foto: Joke SchotanusFotoArgenta darkroom / Heiland splitgrade controller/comfort module / Kienzle Enlarger equiped with Heiland LED cold light source / Hasselblad 500 c/m 50mm Distagon 1:4 Film: Ilford XP2

Foto: Joke Schotanus

FotoArgenta darkroom / Heiland splitgrade controller / comfort module / Kienzle Enlarger equiped with Heiland LED cold light source /

Hasselblad 500 c/m 50mm Distagon 1:4 Film: Ilford XP2



Heiland electronic was founded in 1988 and since then we have been continuously designing and manufacturing products for traditional, silver-based black & white photography in Wetzlar, Germany.

Our senior, Wilhelm Heiland, was committed to the creation of valuable and easy-to-use products such as our well known TRD-2 densitometer. Until his sudden death in 2003, his impact was further felt in the development of products such as our popular SPLITGRADE system.

With the advent of digital photography many photographers were worried that the end of traditional, silver-based photography was near, but we at Heiland electronic have kept on designing innovative products for the wonderful artistic work which is done with film and photographic paper. Thus we have introduced new and imaginative products to the market such as the TAS film processor and the LED cold light source.

Ref: https://heilandelectronic.de/


To make my darkroom interesting for customers it has to be equipped with the best available tools. Further, I did not want to depend on used second handed equipment and spare parts. Heiland Electronics is one of the few suppliers of analogue darkroom equipment and materials, mainly black and white oriented. I was glad that Jurgen Heiland was willing to help me to find the best setup. I decided to use Kienzle enlargers, equipped with Heiland cold light sources, connected to and integrated with the Heiland SPLITGRADE system (controller and comfort module). I also use the perfect Heiland LED safelights.

Last year I was proud that Jurgen asked me to be his main dealer in the Netherlands. People who are interested in trying out the Heiland tools are of course welcome in my shop.