Test Pancro 400 (Bergger) developed in ID11(Ilford) vs DF2(Bellini)

I was always happy with the results of Bergger Pancro 400 developed in ID11. Now i was curious how the pancro 400 film will perform in DF2 developer made by Bellini.

ID11 is a very common developer made by ILFORD, the specifications are similar to the legendary developer D76 produced by Kodak.

BELLINIFOTO describes the DF2 developer as follows:
DF2 DUO STEP – Two parts film developer ( A + B) to make from 1 L to 2 L of solution – High acutance and fine grain developer with an exceptional tonal range from most black and white films. This product offer a natural ability to increase film speeds whilst still allowing superb amounts of latitude.

Unless the DF2 developer consist of two developer steps, it is easy to use because DF2 is almost not sensible for the film type, ISO or the temparture. It’s basically all 2 baths of 4 minutes, temp between 18 and 30 degree celcius.


I shoot a 120 film with my Rolleiflex 6003 (last model with integrated light meter and motor drive). All at once, same pictures in average light circumstances. Cut the film in 3 parts in the dark before developing.

First part i developed using my Heiland TAS-FILMPROCESSOR (simulating manual keeping during developing). I used the common JOBO 1500 tank seriesI did not used my JOBO CPE because ID11 don’t like rotation, it will result in to heavy contrasts. I prefere slightly the bigger JOBO 2500 tank series but for keeping you need to much chemicals. Based on my experience to get the best results, I did prewash first during 3 minutes, then developed at 20 C during 19 minutes in dilution 1+1. No stopbath but just rinse after developing in water for 1 minute. Long fixing for 7 min (Bergger Neutral fixer) , followed by regular but intensive washing.

Second part i developed using my JOBO CPE2 (rotation at speed 1 (low)). I used the bigger JOBO 2500 tank series. I did a prewash for 2 minutes followed by 4 minutes developer part A and after that 4 minutes of part B. No stop bath but 1 minute water rinse, followed by 7 minutes of fixer (Bergger Neutral fixer). To be sure i did used 2 minutes Hypo (Bellini) followed by intensive washing.

Third part of the film i did not used yet :).


Here the scans of the negatives. Scanned with my Noritsu HS 1800 at MIDJPG quality. No post editing.


Unless the circumstances were not 100% the same, the results are almost the same. Although it is not visible in the published pictures, i prefere the DF2 results. Bit sharper en bit better balanced, but not a big difference.

I’m gonna use DF2 for the next pancro films, i shot myself.

FilmFrank FliekPancro, Bellini, df2, id11